Searchlight Solutions

Complaint Communications


Statistics indicate that a customer with cause for complaint concerning the product or service they purchase, is more loyal to the brand if their complaint is well handled, in comparison to a customer with no cause for complaint.

Complaints present an opportunity to generate customer loyalty and improve the service offering. An important contributor to these outcomes is the quality and style of communication adopted by complaint handlers during their exchanges with customers and their representatives.

This workshop is designed to provide the tools to enable the complaint handler to achieve the objectives of successfully resolving the complaint and enhancing the customer relationship in the process.

The workshop is highly interactive and specimen complaints can either be supplied by the trainer or the client as required.

Who should attend?

Claim handlers of all levels of experience and other operational staff who may benefit from enhanced complaint handling skills.

Course Content

  • Determine the best means to communicate with a customer in the early stages of a complaint
  • Define and use “Plain English” in their complaint resolution communications
  • Adopt the approach of writing to “express and not impress” in their e-mails and letters
  • Create a personal approach and to achieve rapport with the customer through written communicationCustomer
  • Use positive language

Learning Objectives

  • Review of current communication styles through specimen complaint letter exercises

  • Recognising your audience and their communication styles

  • Maintaining an assertive approach in complaint responses when faced with aggressive complainants

  • Exercises in using positive language and avoiding nominalisations

  • Ensuring that all language used adds value and achieves the underlying objective of conveying all relevant information in an understandable way

  • Revisit of earlier complaint responses and rewording these as required.

  • Action planning

Ready to book?

Simply complete the booking form with your details and a member of our team will be in touch with the next available dates. 

Any questions?  

If you’re not quite sure if this course is suitable or are looking for further information, call our team on 0117 244 7221.